c/o pop Convention 2024
In 2024, the c/o pop Convention is once again inviting the music industry and its partners to a big get-together in Cologne-Ehrenfeld. On 25 and 26 April 2024, two packed days await you in and around the Herbrandt's Convention Centre in Cologne-Ehrenfeld with numerous talks, panels, sessions and networking events on current topics from the music industry. One question will once again take centre stage at the first industry get-together of the year: How can we work together to make the music industry more socially and ecologically sustainable and fair? You can expect exciting input from experts and pioneers who are already working on the music industry of tomorrow. Especially for musicbiz newbies, there will be plenty of input from experienced industry insiders on both days as part of the NEW TALENT programme. We think it's a must-attend event for open-minded and curious music professionals - and for anyone who wants to become one!