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Re­p­re­sen­ting the Un­der­re­p­re­sen­ted 
Re­p­re­sen­ting the Un­der­re­p­re­sen­ted 

Re­p­re­sen­ting the Un­der­re­p­re­sen­ted 

by Keychange, MEWEM, FLINTA+ Mentoring in der LiveKultur & fæmm
Fri 5:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Bermuda Bar
Hamburger Berg 6, Hamburg
The sale has ended

"Ganz klar: The underrepresented gehören ins Rampenlicht – vor und hinter der Bühne! Und ein gutes Netzwerk in der Musikbranche ist ein Schlüssel dazu. Deswegen laden vier Initiativen, die sich für die Sichtbarkeit von FLINTA in der Musikbranche einsetzen, zum gemeinsamen Wiedersehen und Kennenlernen am Abend des Reeperbahn-Freitags. Eure Plattform, um euch zu vernetzen, zu empowern und die Vielfalt und Stärke der FLINTA-Community sichtbar zu machen. Gemeinsam verändern wir die Musikbranche und stellen sicher, dass keine Stimme ungehört bleibt.

 Die Teilnahme am Event ist auch ohne Reeperbahn Festival Ticket möglich.

Im Rahmen des Events werden Bild- und Tonaufnahmen zu Marketingzwecken angefertigt – mit dem Betreten der Veranstaltung erklärt ihr euch damit einverstanden


It's clear: the underrepresented belong in the spotlight - both in front of and behind the stage! And a good network in the music industry is key to this. That's why four initiatives that are committed to the visibility of gender diverse in the music industry are inviting you to meet up and get to know each other on the evening of Reeperbahn Friday. Your platform to network, empower and visualise the diversity and strength of a gender diverse community. Together we are changing the music industry and ensuring that no voice goes unheard.

Attendance is possible even without a Ticket/Accreditation for Reeperbahn Festival.

During the event, images and sound recordings will be made for marketing purposes - by entering the event, you agree to this. "

Re­p­re­sen­ting the Un­der­re­p­re­sen­ted 
Bermuda Bar
The sale has ended
Fri 5:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Bermuda Bar
Hamburger Berg 6, Hamburg


From 20 to 23 September 2023, the Reeperbahn Festival programme will be combining a diverse line-up of new, international talent with the thematic diversity of a progressive music marketplace. All kinds of events are waiting to enthral and inspire fans, journalists and industry professionals across a multitude of venues. Since its début in 2006, Reeperbahn Festival has developed into one of the most important gatherings for the music world and shows how a superabundant musical line-up can be allied with music business interests and civil society engagement.

(opens in a new tab)As well as concerts by international artists, the festival schedule also includes performances from the fields of visual arts or virtual reality, and a thematically diverse film and literature programme. The central hub for this is the Festival Village on the Heiligengeistfeld. Sessions, showcases, networking events and award shows allow music industry professionals visiting Reeperbahn Festival to think about, experience and listen to music in new ways.

This is particularly reflected, for example, in the Reeperbahn Festival Opening, which has current music-related and socio-political topics centre-stage with top-profile live acts and well-known guests from the worlds of music, entertainment and politics, or as the lead partner of the Keychange initiative, which campaigns for gender equality in music. The ANCHOR - Reeperbahn Festival International Music Award, bestowed by its six judges, is a major accolade for young bands and artists embarking on an international career and as a guide for fans and musicians looking for the best new music.

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